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How do you think about your marketing strategy and strategic pricing?


We're here to help you make better pricing and marketing strategy decisions!

Strategic Marketing Decisions provides consulting services in pricing, product design policy, and marketing strategy. We specialize in providing the education, research, and analytical tools necessary for utilizing price in developing and implementing effective integrated strategic marketing policies. The services offered include:

  • Pricing Review and Analysis: A pricing review examines the current pricing policies and their appropriateness for the market and competitive environment.
  • Demand Estimation and Market Simulation: By examining customer preferences and decision processes, marketing activities, and sales channel behavior, a demand model is developed that can be used to predict how any firm's sales, market shares, and profits will vary with changes in price or another key attribute.
  • Competitor Analysis and Modeling: A competitor analysis will help you identify competitive threats and determine a product and pricing policy that will both improve your market position while minimizing the risk of unprofitable competitive retaliation. SMD's dynamic market simulation system called ReactorTM makes it easy for a product manager to develop and test competitive pricing behavior hypotheses enabling better pricing decisions in highly competitive markets.
  • Cost and Financial Analysis: A cost and financial analysis will help you identify your true costs of doing business. The cost analysis can be used to more accurately assess the profit impacts of price changes and modifications in your product and service offerings.
  • Channel and Contributor Analysis: Market outcomes often are determined by third parties which may include resellers, suppliers, strategic partners, and in some cases government regulators. A channel analysis will help identify the current practices of suppliers, the sales force, wholesalers and retailers with an eye toward finding out why they are acting the way they do and identifying actions that might improve their performance. A contributor analysis identifies potential strategic partners and governmental policies that may have an impact on the performance of your business.
  • Strategy Assessment: A strategy assessment reviews the target market selection and the company's current and potential performance in serving those targets. Recommendations are made regarding potential changes in target markets and repositioning with respect to them, adjustments in product and service offerings, and modifying pricing policies to most effectively implement the desired strategy.
  • Product Design Analysis: A product design analysis includes estimating the importance of features to different market segments (see the discussion of demand modeling above) and the likely impact on choice decisions. Once demand is modeled, the impact of a change in features on the optimal pricing policy and pricing product line recommendations are made.
  • On-Site Training: SMD provides customized on-site training on pricing and related strategic marketing topics. In these classes, participants get to work on exercises that relate to issues currently facing the company.